Early Beginnings is enrolled in the Canada Wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) program.

Our organization receives funding from the Province of Ontario and the City of Ottawa.

Payment Schedule

April/May/June 2024

 Per Diem:             Toddler: $29.89              Preschooler/JK: $24.22

Method of Payment:

 We accept cheques or money orders. Fees are due on the 1st of the month. Cheques are deposited on the 15th and the last working day of the month. You can split your payments in two and date your second cheque for the last working day of the month, but for bookkeeping purposes we need your payments at the beginning of the month. Postdated cheques are recommended.

  *NOTE: We also accept E-transfers.

  Email to: earlybeginnings@earlybeginningsottawa.ca


 Toddler Fee:                                   1st          OR            1st & last working day of the month  


Apr: 22 days @ $29.89           $657.58                          $328.79               $328.79 (April 30)

 May: 23 days @ $29.89         $687.47                          $343.73               $343.74 (May 31)

June: 20 days @ $29.89         $597.80                         $298.90              $298.90 (June 28)


 Preschool/JK Fee:                      1st              OR              1st & last working day of month


Apr: 22 days @ $24.22              $532.84                           $266.42           $266.42 (Apr 30)

 May: 23 days @ $24.22            $557.06                           $278.53           $278.53 (May 31)

 June: 20 days @ $24.22          $484.40                           $242.20           $242.20 (June 28)

 *Please make sure you pay the fee for the correct age group and that it’s for the exact amount.*


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